Time : 1:58 pm
Feeling Tired? Are you sick of being sick and tired? Well you are not alone.
Do you jump out of bed every morning with a spring in your step?
Or do you drag your body out of bed and struggle through your day?
With our stressful, busy lives, many people are tired. However, for an increasing number of people, persistent unremitting tiredness is a major problem. If you have to drag yourself out of bed and struggle through your day, then you may benefit from some natural supplements to help give you an energy boost.
Most people today are living extremely stressful, busy lives, so it is normal to feel tired sometimes. This tiredness generally resolves itself after some rest and relaxation. Increasingly though, persistent tiredness is becoming a major problem for many people. Fatigue is a common presenting complaint in the majority of Australians. Some people are calling fatigue a symptom of living in the 21st Century. One thing is for sure, people are becoming more and more tired and it is also often misunderstood, and at times even dismissed, particularly if there is no easily identifiable cause.
What Causes Fatigue?
Factors that may contribute to fatigue include:
- Low iron levels, low B12 levels
- Inflammation, including arthritis, Muscle pain or injury
- Infection
- Hormonal imbalances – such as thyroid and adrenal imbalances
- Excess body fat
- Unstable blood sugars
- Stress (physical and emotional)
- Toxicity- Exposure to chemicals and environmental toxins – every day we are being exposed to a myriad of toxins. Eating food, washing the dishes, applying cosmetics and perfumes, and even having a glass of unfiltered water, can potentially increase your exposure to harmful compounds which may compromise your energy, health and vitality.
- Mitochondrial dysfunction- the energy centers of every cell in your body- which require certain nutrients to work efficiently.
- Poor sleep
- Diet – poor dietary choices and food we eat today contains fewer nutrients than food that was available 20 years ago
- Inactive lifestyle
- Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
- Digestion, liver issues and malabsorption causing a reduction in the absorption of key energy producing nutrients
As you can see, there are many reasons why you may feel fatigued.
Essentially, when your body systems are not working at their optimum levels, this can affect you both physically and mentally, ultimately having an effect on all areas of your life.
Key steps to get your energy back.
To get you bouncing out of bed, first and foremost, you need to ensure that you lead a healthy life. By following these simple steps, you will be on your way to better energy, and a new lease on life.
- Get adequate, regular and consistent amount of sleep each night. (8 to 9 hours)
- Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet and drink plenty of water throughout the day.
- Include protein-rich food in each meal or snack: Protein food includes fish, seafood, poultry, meat, eggs, dairy and legumes.
- Enjoy a minimum of three cups of fresh vegetables daily: Choose from a variety of vegetables and aim to have a rainbow of colours on your dinner plate.
- Enjoy a minimum of two pieces or one cup of fresh fruit every day: Berries are an especially good choice as they are rich in antioxidants.
- Limit starchy carbohydrates to two small serves per day: Aim for only 1 to 2 serves of bread, rice, pasta, cereal or potatoes daily.
- Include healthy fats in your diet: Healthy fats are found in cold water fish, nuts and seeds such as almonds, walnuts, Brazil nuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, and cold pressed oils such as olive oil, coconut oil and flaxseed oil. Aim for 1 to 2 tablespoons of good quality oils per day and limit nuts and seeds to a small handful daily.
- Exercise regularly.
- Learn better ways to relax – taking a bath, yoga and meditation, reading a book, doing something that brings you joy and of course makes you feel relaxed. Take a short trip for a couple of days.
- Avoid stimulants, such as coffee, energy drinks or excess alcohol.
- Nutrients are the key to increasing energy in your body, as they are used to support the mitochondria. These important nutrients required include:
- Coenzyme Q10: helpful in the management of fatigue as it enhances cellular energy production and is also a powerful antioxidant.
- N-Acetyl Carnitine: plays an important role in fat metabolism and energy production. It acts by transporting dietary fats directly into the mitochondria to be broken down and burnt as fuel for energy production. It is also able to cross the blood brain barrier and assist with mental fatigue.
- Lipoic Acid: is important for the correct transport and conversion of carbohydrates into energy whilst protecting the mitochondria from damage (as it is a potent antioxidant).
- Magnesium: is an essential co-factor required for energy production in all cells; and without adequate levels of magnesium inside your cells, fatigue is inevitable. Magnesium is needed all over the body and in regards to energy production, it is important for the conversion of sugars, fats and proteins to energy.
- Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids: are vital for the integrity and stability of every mitochondrial membrane in the body. Omega-3 oils stimulate the growth and size of the mitochondria, along with helping to lower stress levels, which overall can contribute to higher energy levels.
- Malic Acid – This nutrient can help boost energy production as it is a key component in our cellular energy production pathways. Malic acid can help facilitate the production of energy and increase stamina.
- B Vitamins – are essential, especially when under stress. All the B vitamins are vital for the Krebs cycle to produce energy. A combination that includes magnesium with B vitamins is likely to help you feel energised and able to enjoy life.
If fatigue is affecting your life, come in and see our qualified Practitioners to help you to determine which diet, lifestyle and nutrient factors are letting your body down and causing your fatigue. Contact the clinic to arrange a time to discuss your energy needs and look forward to improved vitality.